Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New Breakthrough Baldness Treatment

Baldness Treatment

Look being bald or going bald or baldness itself is not a big deal for some people but it is for me. So every time there is news of a baldness cure I have to take a careful look.

I will admit that ever since I started doing research online about hair loss, I have found several baldness treatments I was ignoring and together they have yielded some hair growth. So I do believe there is some help out there.

I've been monitoring the chat in the hair loss forums about Dr Robert Jones Platelet Rich Plasma therapy for thinning hair and today Dr Jones published a video explaining this breakthrough Baldness Treatment.

Whenever, we hear about advancements in hair loss treatments they always seem to be about mice and years away from human study, but Dr Jones is treating hair loss patients with Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy in his office already so I was very intrigued about his video.


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