I sure I'm not the only one dreaming of a stem cell hair loss remedy. It seems stem cells are the supposed cure to everything we can possibly imagine, or so they say but like many men (and women) suffering from hair loss, I'm keeping my eyes peeled for any news on the subject.
I've read stem cell hair loss studies with big words, long descriptions, doctors' names I can't pronounce and they all say there is great promise for a stem cell hair loss remedy but it's a long way off. Well, I hate waiting so I try and find anyone using the technology that works and try and get some. I was surprised to see that there is a stem cell hair loss cream available and it's not that expensive.
Now like any guinea pig, I tried to do as much research on the company and the doctor behind this stem cell hair loss cream but must of what I found was either old, or rather negative. Nobody says the product is harmful, but nobody says it works either. But I say, I've been globbing all kinds of crap on my head for years and I'm still kickin, so what the hell.
Now I'm not gonna name the stuff but I'm sure people out there will want to know what it is and where to get it. You can leave a comment or contact me and I will be happy to share but I'm not trying to sell anything so putting the name of my secret stem cell hair loss cream in this post might lead people to think I'm some type of scammer. And the truth is, If I'm anything at all, I'm the one getting scammed because I don't know if it works.
So anyway, I took the plunge and ordered this glop from over seas and as I recall it was about $55 for about a 6 week supply. I'm fine with that because $55 for hope seems like a pretty good deal. Now what this stem cell hair loss cream does is activate the Stem Cells present in your scalp to promote hair growth and thickness. Also it is supposed to help change the grey hair back to its original natural color.
Now if all goes well I'm a perfect candidate for this type of treatment because I have hair. Most of my follicles seem to have very thin hairs remaining in them so it's not like my follicles aren't producing anything. One cool thing is that my beard recently starting going grey. It's been about 6 months since I noticed and there happens to be about a half inch section on the right of my chin that has turned pure white. It looks weird because it is the only concentrated section of white any where on my body. So the good news I mentioned is that I'm gonna smear this gook on my head and on that white part of my beard and see if it starts to change the color over time. I've always heard that facial hair acts exactly opposite of scalp hair but I might as well give this a test.
I will say that I've only been on the stem cell hair loss cream for 2 days so there will be no effect yet. It was supposed to take 10 days to arrive by mail but it took 28, I was thinking I got taken but at least the goo arrived and I have it in my hands. Whether it makes any improvement in my hair only time will tell. I would like to point out that I have high hopes for the stem cell hair loss cream and very low expectations because if it worked, then I imagine we would all be hearing about it. I will keep you posted and feel free to comment below
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